Online Seminar – Steinbock on the Verticality of Religious Experience
Nov 8th, 2016 | By Susi Ferrarello | Category: Feature, Online Seminars, Research, UncategorizedVerticality of Religious Experience 
Prof. Anthony Steinbock is the author of Home and Beyond: Generative Phenomenology after Husserl, Phenomenology and Mysticism, and Moral Emotions: Reclaiming the Evidence of the Heart and articles on political, social and phenomenological philosophy.
Prof. Steinbock will be discussing the notion of the verticality of religious experience. To cite his words “The relation to the Holy through which I have given to myself charges with a kind of ‘ought.’ This ‘ought’ that comes to me, comes to me ‘alone’ such that it can neither be exchanged for another ‘ought’ nor transferred to another person. It is given independently of my explicit knowledge of it and before I could choose it for myself. Yet it is given in such a way that I, as a human being, can grasp it as meaningful for myself and as peculiar to Myself, as a good-in-itself-for-me”
On youtube the videos of his interview: click here!
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