Posts Tagged ‘ hermeneutics ’

Tokyo Presentation: Intentionality and Narrativity in Research

Aug 21st, 2016 | By

  This is an expanded version of the presentation I gave at Meiji University in Tokyo on July 30, 2016, as part of a workshop Human Science and Phenomenology:Reconsidering the Approach to Experiences of Others, kindly organized by Dr. Shogo Tanaka of Tokai University and Kayoko Ueda of Kawasaki Univesity. Dr. Ueda, Dr. Masahiro Nochi of the

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Intentionality, Narrativity, Husserl & Ricoeur

Oct 25th, 2014 | By

My latest article in the Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology explores the psychological meanings of narratives through Husserl’s phenomenology in dialogue with Ricoeur’s hermeneutics. Ricoeur (1975) wrote, “On the one hand, hermeneutics is erected on the basis of phenomenology and thus preserves something of the philosophy from which it nevertheless differs: phenomenology remains the unsurpassable presupposition of hermeneutics. On the other

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Scott Churchill on phenomenology, empathy, and embodiment

Aug 26th, 2014 | By

Dr. Scott Churchill joined Dr. Ferrarello and myself to present a two-day seminar on Empathy, Phenomenology and Hermeneutics at Saybrook in August 2014. Dr. Churchill is Professor of Psychology at the University of Dallas, and Editor-in-Chief of The Humanistic Psychologist. We wanted to share a selection of his articles and a link to an interview with him

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Invitation for feedback–a paper on method versus anti-method

Jul 24th, 2014 | By

  I invite our readers to participate in a conversation about method and anti-method in qualitative research. I’m posing the question this way–maybe polemically!–because if you reads the work of some qualitative writers, you might have the impression that the qualitative researcher is free to improvise at will, switch strategies, create their own process for data analysis on the

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Beyond Scientism and Relativism

Sep 29th, 2013 | By

Here is a link to my contribution to the festschrift  celebrating Amedeo Giorgi’s career in phenomenological psychology. I pose the question: why should the scientific status of our work be a compelling issue for the next generation of qualitative psychological researchers?  I explore the criteria for science proposed by Giorgi, and discuss van Manen’s hermeneutic

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Phenomenology in Psychotherapy: An interview with Yannis Toussulis

Jun 11th, 2013 | By

This interview with Yannis Toussulis is the first in a series of conversations about the role phenomenology, both descriptive and hermeneutic, plays in clinical practice. Yannis Toussulis received his PhD in Psychology from Saybrook Graduate School in 1995. His dissertation, supervised by Amedeo Giorgi, was entitled “Faith as A Lived-Experience: A Phenomenological Study”. He is a

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Dialogue and a tanka

Apr 12th, 2013 | By

Merleau-Ponty (1993) wrote, “For the speaker no less than for the listener, language is definitely something other than a technique for ciphering or deciphering ready-made significations” (p. 80). He is ever insistent that being-in-the-world is an embodied event, an ongoing discovery, and he relentlessly examines the ways in which experiences are given to us, prior

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Applebaum: Hermeneutics in Descriptive Phenomenology

Jun 27th, 2012 | By

Here is the presentation I gave in Montreal at the 31st International Human Science Research Conference. My aim was to encourage dialogue between interpretive and descriptive researchers, and clinicians whose work is informed by these perspectives. My premise about the complementarity of description and interpretation is based on Jitendra Nath Mohanty’s work on Husserl’s phenomenology.

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