Metodo: International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 10(2) “On History”
Jul 4th, 2023 | By Marc Applebaum | Category: Feature, Research, UncategorizedJoseph Cohen and Raphael Zagury-Orly’s introductory essay in Metodo: International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 10(2) “On History” begins:
“The question of history—its inherent rational, intentional, teleological, eschatological development—has, at least since Hegel, constituted a central focus of philosophical questioning and scholarship. Indeed, contemporary philosophy persistently returns to the necessity of questioning history and the possibility of furnishing for historical events, both past and future, a coherent and unifed narrative of signifcation. In this issue, we shall question how has history been approached in and through philosophy? Why is philosophy so evidently concerned with history and consequently engaged in the task of explicating a signifed narrative of historical events for our historical consciousness? In which manner does philosophical discourse purport a coherent horizon of meaning for our history through which could be proposed norms for the possibility of human action in our history?”
Fare critica con la fenomenologia
Osservazioni su E. Magrì & P. McQueen (eds.). Critical Phenomenology. An Introduction
Elena Billwiller (University of Padova)