Posts Tagged ‘ Ferrarello ’

The Phenomenology of Dreaming: A Dialogue

Oct 12th, 2012 | By

This conversation between philosopher Susi Ferrarello and me began, as is often the case in phenomenology, with an everyday experience: dreaming. My description of a dream led us to reflect on Merleau-Ponty’s discussions of dreaming and waking perception, and Husserl’s active and passive intentionality. The exchange continued over several weeks, and we’ve summarized it here–

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Ferrarello: Husserl, Intersubjectivity, and Lifeworld

Sep 19th, 2012 | By

 Introduction Intersubjectivity can be described as a relationship between me and an other. The peculiarity of this relationship lies in the fact that the other is not alien to me, but is “within me” in a way that his or her “otherness” can be investigated beginning with the way in which that “otherness” is imminent

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Ferrarello: Unnoticed Phenomena of the Italian Crisis

Jul 10th, 2012 | By

During the current global recession rising suicide rates have being witnessed across Europe; this is echoed by American data on increases in suicides and depression.  I invited philosopher Susi Ferrarello to reflect upon the rash of suicides amid Italy’s social crisis. –Marc Applebaum  Phenomenology and the Representation of Personal Identity  I am writing and working in a language

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