
What was it like to study with Husserl?

Oct 13th, 2012 | By

Philosopher Ludwig Landgrebe (1902-1991) was one of Husserl’s closest assistants. Landgrebe’s description of Husserl below was translated by Algis Mickunas, Professor Emeritus, Ohio University, and included by Lester Embree in his Representation of Edmund Husserl: “Almost everyone who first encountered Husserl experienced something of a disappointment at not immediately seeing any external signs of how

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The Phenomenology of Dreaming: A Dialogue

Oct 12th, 2012 | By

This conversation between philosopher Susi Ferrarello and me began, as is often the case in phenomenology, with an everyday experience: dreaming. My description of a dream led us to reflect on Merleau-Ponty’s discussions of dreaming and waking perception, and Husserl’s active and passive intentionality. The exchange continued over several weeks, and we’ve summarized it here–

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Ferrarello: Husserl, Intersubjectivity, and Lifeworld

Sep 19th, 2012 | By

 Introduction Intersubjectivity can be described as a relationship between me and an other. The peculiarity of this relationship lies in the fact that the other is not alien to me, but is “within me” in a way that his or her “otherness” can be investigated beginning with the way in which that “otherness” is imminent

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Key ideas: Applebaum on the phenomenological reduction

Sep 3rd, 2012 | By

I recently posted a short discussion of what “the natural attitude” means in Husserl’s phenomenology. As I mentioned, the natural attitude is the perspective of everyday life. For Husserl the process he calls the phenomenological reduction is the means by which the phenomenologist frees himself from the reifications of the natural attitude, gaining a standpoint

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Applebaum: Introducing Husserl’s phenomenology to psychology students

Aug 29th, 2012 | By

This PowerPoint presentation was developed for the first meeting of a seminar introducing psychology students to phenomenological psychological research, and assumes no prior knowledge of Husserl or continental philosophy. The descriptive phenomenological research method itself is introduced in depth over the course of the semester–this presentation is a “first taste” of Husserlian terms for students. Naturally, I added

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Key Ideas in Phenomenology: Applebaum on the Natural Attitude

Aug 18th, 2012 | By

This is the first in a series of our posts on central ideas in phenomenology—please add your observations, additions, or questions in the comments section! I’ll begin with what Husserl calls “the natural attitude.” In everyday life we see the objects of our experience such as physical objects, other people, and even ideas, as simply

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Applebaum: Phenomenology, community, and intercultural dialogue

Apr 23rd, 2012 | By

Community: from the Latin communis, meaning common, public, general, shared by all or many. Phenomenological psychology as expressed by Maurice Merleau-Ponty is an exploration intended to illuminate the shared psychological meanings and structures that we live pre-reflectively in daily experience. He offers an elegant example at the beginning of the essay Science and the Experience

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